Friday, October 6, 2017


Heidy-Ho, Blogging Buddies!

Alright.  Before I start the posts about the start-to-finish work done on the house before we moved in, I think it is important you (and perhaps others seeking information on the company) are aware of the experience I had with "Texas Professional Exteriors" or TPE.  Those of you accustomed to my rants are likely pleading that I not launch into one now.  LOL!  I won't.  My commentary is simply to provide information.  Anyone considering this firm should make his or her own decision on using it.

Here are only a FEW of the many, many questions I recommend you ask yourself before you consider having TPE do any job for you:

  • Do I want to work with a firm whose owner harasses me to pay additional monies before the project is complete even though the contract THEY provided broke down the specifics of the payment schedule?
  • Do I want to work with a firm that uses its own crews to do everything... even though they are jacks-of-all-trades and masters-of-none?
  • Is it acceptable to me to have texture done where changes are made that is clearly NOT anywhere near a match to the existing texture?
  • Am I okay with floor tiles next to each other that have a height difference sufficient to catch my shoe and nearly trip me... in multiple locations of the flooring?
  • How do I feel about a firm where the owner tells me a "suggested" flooring is used ALL of the time but the foreman of my particular job tells me his crew has never installed it before (resulting in several areas that are not properly adhered to the floor)?
  • Is it okay for the workers to use paper towels in the toilet in the half-bath I had (kindly) advised they were welcome to use but the foreman did not provide toilet paper when he was advised there was none?  Fortunately, my plumber is MY plumber and was able to resolve the horrific mess for me.
  • Why would a professional firm ignore specific installation instructions from the manufacturer creating a need to open up a wall to redo it correctly... after over two weeks of pleas to have it done?
Quite honestly, I could go on and on.  There are so many things that were simply done haphazardly.  I'm not certain some of the things they did were okay for a non-licensed person to do (electrical, plumbing...).  I know they did not bring in any true professionals on any of the work until I insisted my plumber become involved.

Anyone just walking through would likely think it is all beautiful.  Unfortunately, I made multiple trips over during the work and discovered the lack of ability of this firm to do exceptional work.  In fact, a large amount of it is only accepted as I do not want to have to deal with this firm ever again.  I will either live with the poorly done items or I will pay someone else to do them correctly.

So... caveat emptor!!!  I'm going to stop as I find myself becoming angry again... and I have other things to do.

This is all I will ever say about this firm.  We are done.

Until next post...