Monday, June 22, 2020


Heidy-Ho, Blogging Buddies!!

I am so sorry.  It has been FAR too long since I have had a chance to post.  You would think, with our current pandemic situation, there would be nothing but free time!  Not necessarily true.  I will try to "catch up" with some posts over the next week or so.  Thank you for hanging in there with me.  You are appreciated!

So... let's catch up on some more photos, shall we?

When the spousal-unit was out in the front yard, he ran across this little critter.  Since it was headed toward the street and that concerned me, we decided to relocate it to the back yard.

It spent the night huddled away... and was gone the next morning.  Really cute and not at all frightened as it never pulled its head in while being handled!

We purchased a plum tree and a peach tree early this spring.  The plum tree is struggling a bit... no fruit.  The peach tree had flowers when planted... and we have a few peaches that seem to be growing nicely.

We'll see how they turn out.  Nice to have them, though.

While doing a morning walk, accidentally spotted this little critter.  VERY small... but the white "criss-cross" in the web had caught my eye.  Thought he was worth a pic.  They do eat those bugs that harass us while we walk!!!  So... they are definitely friends!

So... that's a little catch-up on what's happening in the world of Waco this spring and early summer.
I will work to get some more posts together ASAP!  I don't have anything fascinating... but I don't think I ever have!  LOL!!
At any rate... stay safe.  While we are all hopeful things will eventually return to "normal", the pandemic has not truly been resolved yet.  Use common sense.  Be cautious.

Until next post...

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