Tuesday, September 8, 2020


 Heidy-Ho, Blogging Pals!!!

First of all, some of you have never experienced a hurricane.  Consider yourselves beyond fortunate.  The rest of us... well... we have had a few run-ins with minor hurricanes over the years.  Mostly some high winds, the occasional tree limb down, and just a mess of leaves and pine cones to retrieve from the yard!!  A couple of folks I know did have to deal with Katrina and Rita rolled right up the state line of Texas and Louisiana, creating quite a mess, but I don't think even those hit the level of Laura.

I ask those of you who have never experienced one to please send your thoughts and prayers to those in western Louisiana.  My hometown, DeRidder, was absolutely slammed beyond recognition.  I have seen photos sent by friends who still live there.  I have seen photos on Facebook that made my jaw drop.  I also have a few friends in the Lake Charles area.  They were devastated.  You have probably seen pictures on the news.  Some of those made me tear up.  I couldn't even recognize places I knew and had been many times.  Just beyond sad.  The good news?  Everyone I know made it through albeit with trees down, no power, and no water... some even with homes nearly destroyed.  Yes... that's bad.  But they survived.  The rest will be resolved in time.  I thank you for your concern... and send the very best Karma to those of you who are suffering through this insanity.  Hang in there!!!

Alright.  Will throw a few silly photos at you all.  Hopefully they will cause a smile or two.

So... let's wait until the very hottest part of the year to do a little outside job during the 100+ degree day!!  DOH!!  Well... it just happened.  But trust me... I sweated a bit while putting down the weed barrier... but did nothing the level of difficulty that the poor spousal-unit did!  I won't give you the math... but he toted nearly 2 tons of weight... getting the river pebbles from the store to the vehicle, off the vehicle, to the job, into the area... the guy is beyond amazing.  Obviously, however, he removed my ability to whine and complain about the work I did.  LOL!!  Anyway...

This little area on the back of the house had apparently been set up somehow in the past.  But it had overgrown.  I weed-killed the area and let it all die down.  Then had to think about how I wanted it set up.  I knew I wanted it "walkable" along with an area where I could put a potting table.

So... this is what was done:

Okay.  So... let's discuss my morning walks.  I have posted other pics from them in the past.  Here are a few more:

It's not the truck or the basketball goal.  It's the VERY tall flowers to the left of the truck!!  These have gotten even taller since I took this pic!!  Fun!

Trust me.  When it's this hot, you walk EARLY!!!  But that offers up some really beautiful sunrise pictures.

So... when walking one morning, I found a fire hydrant opened up.  The water was pouring out like crazy... onto the curb and flowing down the street.  At that time (8/29), we had not had rain in nearly 3 months!!  It was sad watching the water literally go to waste!

The next morning, I caught another photo.  The gentleman whose property the hydrant is on had brilliantly set up a bucket on the spout, then dug a small trench from it into his yard!!!  While he didn't get all of the water, he definitely got some!  Check it out!  Made me laugh and appreciate his intellect!!  His oak tree, where the trench ended, likely was quite happy!

Alrighty.  So, I was shopping at the local Wild Birds Unlimited when I ran across a lovely solar-powered glass iris... in LSU colors!!  Had to have it.  Don't have a specific spot for it yet (still working in the back yard!) but wanted to test it out.  Stuck it in an empty pot.

It was lit up early the next morning.  Really pretty.  Fun to have.

When the big rains finally arrived (Sep 2,3,& 4), it was a deluge followed by constant rain.  You know it's a little wet when the snails head for higher ground!!

Finally, after storms and the inability to find food, one of the backyard critters decided to just take a stinkin' break!!!  He was there for a while before heading back up the tree.  LOL!

Enough silliness.  My thoughts remain with DeRidder and Lake Charles as well as everyone else hit by Laura.  Hang in there and know there are a lot of folks in other cities and states who have you in their hearts!!

Until next post...

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