Saturday, July 31, 2021


 Heidy-Ho, my Blogging Buddies!!!

My, oh my.  Things in this country were crazy in 2020... and it seems to be continuing in 2021!  Hang in there, my friends!!

So... won't tell the whole (long) story of why Washington State was where we went.  My TX Bestie, JMA, and I typically do our semi-annual Fredericksburg, TX winery run...and have for years.  After the inability to travel in 2020 and the long story, we ended up making a trip to Sea-Tac airport then a 2.5 hour drive through the Cascades to Leavenworth, WA.  JMA has a co-worker in the Sea-Tac area who advised her we would probably enjoy it there... so we went.  This may take two posts to cover... but for starters...

Airports.  Nightmare.  We stood in line for nearly an hour (on a Monday) to make it through the TSA in Austin, TX.  And we were plum early as our flight departed at 8:00 a.m. and we were there by 6:00 a.m.!!  Insane.  We just laughed our way through it as there was nothing else to do.  Sigh.  For good measure, will mention our return from Sea-Tac where we arrived plenty early for a 12:30 p.m. flight out (on Friday).  It was actually a much easier run to get through... and they are trying out a new method for folks to work through the TSA by scheduling a time & TSA line location.  But... the airport was still rampantly full and it was still a bit challenging.  Enough.  Not flying commercially again for quite some time!

So... the three days in between travel days were just great!  I had booked us at a B&B in Leavenworth.  The owner, who was very kind, had suggested we drive a route from Sea-Tac to there that was much more beautiful than the standard highway route.  It was!  We drove through mountains and small towns all along the way.  Really incredible.

Our B&B: Fox Den B&B.  Too much to tell you but some pics below.  Oh... and breakfast was stellar all three days!  Thank you, Lori and Dan!!!

This is the side of the B&B that faces the view.  Note the lower left corner beneath the lower deck.  That's where guests have a patio to enjoy coffee, wine, snacks, views... whatever.

This is from the side of the B&B where the decks/patio are set.  This is the view.

From the yard area just below the house/decks, one can see the driveway leading up the hillside to the property.

Passing this on the driveway heading to the B&B lets you know how lovely it will be!!

Here is the lower back patio where we spent some quality time with coffee, wine, snacks... and peace.

Looking from the lower patio, you can see the level of slope the property has!!  Lovely (and glad I don't have to mow it!)

Another view from the back patio looking to the other side.

We noticed a few Staghorn Ferns hanging on the posts of the patio.  Had not seen any for many years.  Enjoyed seeing them again!

First morning walk got us down to the main road.  This was the view.  Beautiful!

Finally (this trip may take 3 posts!), one of the things we enjoyed was sitting on the back patio watching nature.  We "met" a Robin that appeared to have claimed the barrel fountain for its bath!!  We saw it using it for that more than once!  So cute.  Had to video it as it was quite a busy bath!  (There are sprinklers going off in the background behind the Robin... not rain.)

So... this was Round One of the trip.  More to come about the downtown Leavenworth area as well as some funny things.

Until next post...

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