Thursday, January 3, 2019


Heidy-Ho, Blogging Buddies.

Well now... it is another New Year.  I do hope you all have a Safe, Happy, Peaceful, Prosperous, and Healthy 2019!!

With that said, the day after I published my last post, I had yet another lower back episode.  I try to stay away from "whining" about that... but I guess you should know why there are sometimes long lags in posts.  Bottom line: this has been an ongoing issue for many years.  No doctor or specialist has been able to identify the cause.  Two MRIs, a LOT of office visits, a chiropractor, X-Rays, and many hours spent trying to determine the problem have resulted in absolutely nothing.  Pretty annoying, to say the least.  Upsetting since the episodes place me in a position of needing constant help for several days and take multiple weeks to get over to the point of being able to actually do things for myself again.

So... know that I have engaged the help of a Registered Massage Therapist (RMT) with a medical background (Physical Therapy Assistant followed by Paramedic) recommended to me by my Nail Tech.  He has helped quite a bit and has pointed out some issues with my muscles and spine that none of the "high-dollar" docs ever really mentioned.  Hmmmmm.  At any rate, he suggested an X-Ray to determine a couple of things.  Upon seeing my GP, all I got was "well, that kind of thing happens a lot..." which provided no help whatsoever and truly depressed me.  After a rather less-than-pleasant conversation with my GP, he did decide to refer me to Physical Therapy.  That started at the end of December and cranks up this month.  We'll see.

Alright.  Enough whining.  I'm done.

So... with nothing really to report since I haven't really done much for the past 6 weeks, I'm going to toss you a few photos just for the heck of it.  Hope you enjoy them.

Never know what you will see when walking around.  One early morning jaunt revealed the "zippers" that hold the sky up!!  :)  Another revealed the sun "snoozing" in the cradle of the trees.

Was able to make a short trip to a favorite location a little while ago.  While taking a walk there, ran across a residential yard with this in front.  :)  Pretty tempting but didn't know how I would get it home!!

 Also came across this interesting place to stay.  Click on them and expand them so you can read what is written.  


This little fella' was actually wriggling like crazy trying to get across the street and to the grassy area.  It was a little challenging to "hop" along so I could get my hand down so you could see the scale.  :)  After the photo, I watched until he made it to the grass.  We both then continued on our own way.

This actually saddened me.  It didn't look as though this guy had been run over... but maybe he had.  At any rate, he was a goner.  Put my foot down alongside him, again for scale.  Yes, I know he is poisonous.  That doesn't bother me when I am not being threatened.  I prefer to let them go their own way.

So that's all I have today.  Scattered stuff... kind of like me at this point!!  Just wanted to catch up and let you know I am STILL here!!

Until next post...

1 comment:

  1. Do not be fooled, the shoe next to the snake is 3 feet long. "Just Saying"
