Tuesday, March 12, 2019


Heidy-Ho, Blogging Pals!!

Yes, I am still on this planet.

Here is what has been going on after my last post (the "whiner!").  I am going to skip all of the details but try to let you know what is happening... and why old age ain't for the weak!

My Physical Therapy cranked up in January.  It ran through the end of February.  I was VERY happy with the Physical Therapist (PT) as well as the Physical Therapy Assistant (PTA) working with her.  The PT went through an extensive evaluation on my first visit.  She was very thorough.  She explained a LOT of things about my situation that no one had ever mentioned previously, including other PTs.  Hmmmm.  That's interesting.

Physical Therapy did help... but it did not "fix" the issue.  In fact, right when I felt like things were getting much better (and was VERY excited about that!), I had a whole 'nother pain crop up that scared the you-know-what out of me!!  In fact, ladies and gentlemen... it actually sent me into a complete spiraling meltdown.  Yes.  You heard me.  I know.  I had never had a meltdown in my entire life... even during some less-than-pleasant events including divorce, family member deaths, etc.  Nope.  Just not a "melter", actually.  But this was the straw that broke that metaphoric camel's back!!  In fact, the Spousal-Unit had to endure that meltdown, which I think was quite a shock to him!  He was, as usual, stellar at talking through things.  Calm guy.  Calming effect.  I did finally rage as much as I could and had no further choice but to calm down.  It totally wore me out.

So... at the next Physical Therapy appointment, I explained the situation.  The PT did a few more manipulations and suggested what she believed might be causing it.  The down side to her thoughts were that the only "resolution" was surgical.  Hmmm.  Not liking that.  She and the PTA referred me to an Orthopedist who specializes in the area where my issues keep showing up.  I called and scheduled an appointment.

Visit with Orthopedist.  Discussion.  X-Rays.  Review of X-Rays.  Manipulation.  Bottom line: He pointed out a Cam FAI (see https://orthoinfo.aaos.org/en/diseases--conditions/femoroacetabular-impingement for info) as the likely root cause of my 30+ year issue. Seriously?  No one can figure this out for over 30 years and suddenly my PT/PTA know what it probably is and to whom I should go?  WHAT?!?  AARRRGGGGHHHHH!!!!  Alright.  Now what?

Ortho suggested hip injection as first step.  That did NOT make me happy.  It was more the unknown and the fear it would send my lower back into spasms again that terrified me.  Second step would be an MRI to determine specifically if the FAI was the cause of my primary pain issue OR if it was possible the SI Joint had its own issue that was causing the pain.  He did say we could go straight to the MRI... but the injection would give us some information that would be helpful in determining if the FAI was the primary problem OR if the SI Joint had its own issue.  The MRI would be the next step if the pain was not lessened/ended with the injection.  Okay.  I will get back with you, doc!

An afternoon of research online helped me understand even more what was probably going on and where to begin.  While the injection did NOT appeal to me (duh!), it made sense as the first step.  So... I called back and that occurred two days later.

So far, it has apparently been quite helpful.  The "twinging" pain that has been a problem for years has lessened considerably... literally nearly going away.  There have been a few very short times when I felt it might be coming back... but it goes away.  That seems to be good news.

Now... I am to provide feedback two weeks after the injection. Doc sez the lack of pain may not last long (in which event we look to the SI Joint via an MRI) OR... it may last 3,4,6 months... or maybe more?  Everyone is different.  My only concern here is that the injection might be fabulous for removing pain temporarily (WONDERFUL!)... but it is not a true "fix."  What I have read indicates further damage can occur if things aren't actually resolved (surgically).  But the surgery is arthroscopic for the hip situation.  The SI Joint surgery would be different... but I am not worried about that yet.  I am quite willing to simply take one step at a time.  At least the most recent steps have resulted in a huge improvement in my pain issue... and my attitude!  :)

Okay.  Sorry.  I realize this is not a very interesting post.  But it is something of huge importance to me... and I feel like sharing that there is likely SOMEone out there who might be able to help you with any issues YOU may be experiencing is worth the lack of interest.  Do NOT give up!!!

To hopefully end this on a more pleasant note, I would like to share an excellent place to finish your visit to the Waco Farmer's Market!!!  YUM!!!

Until next post...

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