Saturday, January 2, 2021


 Greeting, my dear Blogging Buddies!!!

I am SO very sorry it has been incredibly long since my last post.  I have no excuse... no real reason... it just seems that time and space got wonkier and wonkier... and I just lost track of both!!

So... we finally arrived at 2021.  I would say I have no love for 2020... but I actually do (more to follow).  I am in great hopes that 2021 will be a healthier, more prosperous year.  Keeping my fingers crossed pretty darned hard!

Now then... a little catch-up.

The reason I have love for 2020 is because, after 30+ years of lower left back pain and a gazillion visits to doctors, chiropractors, physical therapists, neurosurgeons, etc., etc., etc., ... I was ready to give up on this planet.  It would strike randomly.  Sometimes severe enough to throw me down.  Other times just annoying enough to not allow me to do the things I love.  It absolutely ruined a cruise when I was unable to do anything but hang out in the suite.  Anger.  Frustration.  Sadness.  After a Hip Arthroscopy in June 2019, my orthopedist did an SI Joint injection to determine if that was the root cause.  It did resolve the pain for about 2.5 weeks.  Then it returned.  His suggestion was an SI Joint Fusion.  Uh... not yet!!!  So... I became the Google addict.  I researched everything I could about the SI Joint and why pain was caused.  I even joined a FB Group that was for SI Joint pain sufferers!  (I do NOT like FB nor do I do much there... but had to get a page for business in 2018.)  During an extensive time in that group, I kept running across information on a Doctor of Physical Therapy in Colorado.  Many of the group members had had great success with him.  Not everyone, of course.  No one can fix everyone.  But he had apparently "fixed" many who had FAR worse pain issues than I did!  So... in January 2020, I completed the paperwork online and booked appointments (3 days in a row) for April.  DOH!!!  Welcome Covid-19!!  Had to cancel.  Sigh.  Really?!?  LOL!  Anyway, bottom line: I rebooked for June of 2020.  We (spousal-unit and I) flew up as cautiously and protected as possible.  On Day One, we sat and discussed my history of back pain.  After a full round of hands-on checking from head to toe, Doc said I had a Right Pelvic Side Glide Restriction/Fixation.  Huh?  Dunno' what that really means... but he had me do a specific slow stretch, then checked it again.  Well, it's working now.  Come back tomorrow!  Day Two... rechecked.  Slightly restricted again.  Same stretch.  Day Three... rechecked.  It's fine.  I should not ever need to come back.  A list of easy-to-do movements were sent home with me.  Since then, I have been able to do everything I ever could!  I have been amazed and thrilled.  Back to being unafraid of doing things!  YAY!!  The guy was incredible.  Knows what he is doing.  Oh... and it seems he believes my softball injury back in the very late 1970s is probably what caused the problem.  Would not have guessed that.  This guy resolved an issue no "medical professional" even thought about... in little time... and for little money.  I thank God for running across him.  If any of you want information about him, feel free to email me!

Now then... five FABULOUS months went by!!  I played in the yard like crazy.  Mowed.  Raked leaves.  Worked in the beds.  It was SO wonderful!!  Went to Fredericksburg in July and again in October!!  No worries.  No fears!!  Just absolutely heavenly!!

But... LOL... old age is a Bee-Atch!!!  In early December, my right shoulder blade/arm went wonky!!  Screaming pain along with chronic pain.  WTH?!?  Didn't do anything I know of to cause this!  Have NEVER had a neck/shoulder pain before?  So... ortho visit, MRI, ortho surgeon visit... tried meds (only slight relief)... tried cervical epidural (a little more relief but may take another 10 days to really help)... and a future conversation with the Doc to discuss his "final" option of surgery.  Sigh.  Really?  Anyway... I am back to the Google addict world.  Seems my cervical spine has been quietly, sneakily creating substantial issues that have now shown themselves.  DOH!!  Anyway... at least I know it shouldn't be a 30+ year saga before finding some relief... not that I would be here then anyway!!  LOL!

Okay.  Enough.  I generally try to avoid personal discussions... but just felt like it might be time to catch you all up on the "old broad" that some of you knew in high school!!

Now then... a few pics from the October Fredericksburg run to make the end better than the beginning of this post!

While in Johnson City, where we do dinner on our way into Fredericksburg, we noticed there were lights on the trees surrounding the Pedernales Electric Co-op buildings.  We knew they were getting ready for the holiday season.  On our way into the restaurant and on our way out:

On our morning walk, came across this wonderful Datura (also interestingly known as devil's trumpet, devil's weed, or hell's bells!):

So... thank you for reading.  Sorry it was a goofy post.

I wish you all a Happy, Healthy, Peaceful, and Prosperous New Year!!  May 2021 be wonderful for you!!

Until next post...

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