Sunday, February 7, 2021


 Heidy-Ho, Blogging Buddies!!

Well... you would think, with the lack of things to do in one's normal world, I would be posting far more frequently.  Uh... nope.  Finding other things that need to be done... and keeping me away from the time it takes to get one of these out there!  LOL!  So be it!

Now then... a few things I think you might like that are hanging out in my "From My Phone" folder on my desktop... waiting for an appropriate time to be posted here.  So... not much to see here... but random "stuff!"

I was referred to a stylist at Oz Hair Studio here when we moved.  I had to purchase the T-shirt with the back shown below this year!!  LOVE IT!!  LOL!

Now then... this poor little fella' had been run over.  Found him on a morning walk.  That's the front of my shoe to give you scale.  He did not look "crushed" so not positive about what really occurred.  Sad to me.  He is not a poisonous variety.

So... while walking out the door one morning, I saw low movement in the front yard.  I followed it across the street and caught a few shots in the neighbor's front yard!  It was time for it to get back for the day... but it was hilarious watching it wander around.  

Now then... on another morning, I was walking along.  Just happened to glance down and saw slight movement on the road.  It took a moment to focus since it was VERY much the same color as the road!!  When I finally figured it out, I tracked it along then squatted down quickly to get a shot or two when it stopped for a moment.  It was really quite interesting!  Have not seen one like this before.  Not huge.  Not a tarantula (obviously!).  Not sure what it is.  But interesting markings.

And... as the holidays approached, I began feeling my usual "holiday" self!!  LOL!  So... the spousal-unit felt it was quite appropriate to provide me with...

(He was right!)

So... the morning of January 10th, things were a little weird!!  Upon awakening and the light coming up, here is what was seen!!  (You may need to see this on your computer if your email or phone do not accept the video.)

Five and a half hours later, here is where things stood!!

The funny part was driving around the next day.  Obviously, kids had convinced parents it was a PERFECT day to be outside!!  (Uh... nope!)  But there were tons of this type of thing all over!  Clearly the little ones had a good time!

So... there you have it.  Things have been interesting this Fall and Winter!  While there are still come cold days coming, I am already looking forward to Spring!!!

Remain safe!  Be careful.  Things will eventually get back to our "normal"... whatever that may be!!

Until next post...

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